Goals of the Office of Professional Standards
This Office of Professional Responsibility is responsible for investigating complaints of rule infractions, criminal allegations, firearm discharges, vehicle pursuits and monitoring drug testing of employees.
How to file a Complaint
We take external complaints seriously and understand that public trust and participation is an integral part of policing the Borough of Matawan. The complaint process should not be an inconvenient or overwhelming task. We accept complaints in-person, by phone, or letter or email. If you cannot come to us, we can come to a location suitable to you.
We accept anonymous complaints, third-party complaints and complaints from unaccompanied juveniles (though we prefer that juveniles involve their parents).
Immigrants who seek to file complaints will NOT be asked about their immigration status.
A complaint should be filed when you witness or experience a personal encounter with Matawan Police personnel that involves criminal conduct, misconduct, abusive or discriminatory behavior, neglect of duty, corrupt activity, inappropriate conduct or a violation of rules and regulations of the Matawan Police Department.
Although the recommended method for making a complaint is to respond to Police Department, 201 Broad Street, Matawan, NJ and file the complaint in person, a complaint can also be filed:
- In person: Go to any police facility and ask to speak to the highest-ranking supervisor on duty
- By email: Email the complaint to Captain Sean McCabe (smccabe@matawanpolice.org)
- By telephone: Call the Office of Professional Responsibility at (732) 290-2026
- At home or the location where the incident occurred: You may also request that a supervisor respond to your location to take your complaint by calling (732) 566-1010.
- By mail: Complete a citizen complaint form, which is available at police headquarters. The form can be completed at headquarters or at home and mailed to the Office of Professional Responsibility. You can also write a letter and mail it to the Office at
Matawan Police Department
Office of Professional Responsibility
201 Broad Street
Matawan, NJ 07747
- Anonymous Complaints: We will accept and investigate your complaint, even if you do not wish to provide your personal information and prefer to remain anonymous.
To access the Internal Affairs Report Form and Civilian Complaint Information Sheet, choose from any of the following languages:
English Citizen Complaint Form
Spanish: Formulario de Queja Ciudadano Español
Arabic: نموذج شكوى مواطن إسباني
Chinese: 西班牙公民投诉表
Haitian: Fòm Plent Sitwayen Espayòl
Hindi: स्पेनिश नागरिक शिकायत प्रपत्र
Korean: 스페인 시민 불만 양식
Polish: Formularz skargi obywatela Hiszpanii
Portuguese: Formulário de reclamação do cidadão espanhol
Tagalog: Form ng Reklamo ng Mamamayang Espanyol
Vietnamese: Mẫu đơn khiếu nại của công dân Tây Ban Nha
The Internal Affairs Report Form can be submitted in person at Matawan Police Headquarters, 201 Broad Street, Matawan, NJ 07747 or via email to Captain Sean McCabe at smccabe@matawanpolice.org
Matawan Police Department Early Intervention System General Order
Matawan Police Department Law Enforcement Drug Testing Policy
How Complaints are Investigated
The Office of Professional Responsibility reviews all complaints. The complaints are then assigned to a supervisor. All serious complaints are handled by the Unit Commander. Complaints about Officers may be handled by a member of the Office of Professional Responsibility or referred to a Police Department command or supervisory officer, depending on how serious a complaint is. Upon completion, and review, of a thorough investigation, a final disposition is determined. A thorough investigation means interviewing all witnesses, reviewing internal records and assessing the credibility of all claims.
What Can Complainants Expect?
You will be notified of the disposition in writing after the investigation is completed. It will be sent by both certified and regular mail to the address you provide.
Investigations generally take 30-45 days to complete, depending on a number of factors.
You may be asked to testify in a criminal court or a Departmental hearing if the investigation upholds your allegation against the Officer.
An employee may be subjected to the following disciplinary action if found in violation of any division regulations:
- Additional Training and/or counseling
- Reprimand
- Suspension from duty
- Fine imposed
- Termination or demotion
Any disciplinary action against an employee must be in accordance with the Matawan Police Department rules and regulations, state statutes, local ordinance and current collective bargaining agreements. We appreciate your time in participating in the complaint and review process. Our Officers are held to the highest standards and we encourage members of the public to bring these matters to our attention. Similarly, if you would like to commend a Matawan Police Officer for his or her actions, you may do so by emailing administration@matawanpolice.org.